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    Fluke Mining Solutions

    Fluke Mining Solutions

    Fluke® tools perform like champions in the most challenging utility-scale mining environments.

    You can depend on Fluke tools to keep your world up and running.

    Fluke tools perform like champions in the most challenging utility-scale mining environments. You can depend on Fluke tools to keep your world up and running.

    Find Fluke solutions for all these Mining applications:

    Ask the Expert: Dave Farquharson Project Application Engineer at FLUKE Australia

    12:45 - With 40 years experience as a Test & Measurement Engineer in the fields of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Dave talks the latest innovations.

    Conveyor Systems

    Fluke Mining Conveyor Systems

    Conveyor Systems are crucial in mines, moving crushed material from primary crushing to stockyards, processing plants, or spreaders at different locations. Ensuring their uninterrupted operation is vital for mine productivity. Employing preventative maintenance with Fluke tools to detect potential faults early is essential, preventing unscheduled breakdowns.


    ANZ-Fluke Mining- Ventilation Image

    Ventilation is an inherent necessity in underground mining. In addition to the obvious function of providing fresh air to those working underground, special fans, controls and openings are also used to redirect spent or contaminated air out of the underground mine’s working areas. Ensuring that all ventilation equipment is in good working order using Fluke tools is critical to ensuring the safety of everyone who works in these underground environments.

    Power Generation

    Fluke Mining Power Generation

    A mine’s onsite power Substation contains electrical switchgear (circuit breakers, fuses, switches, and transformers) used for the purpose of controlling power from the surface distributed to the underground mine’s power transmission. Electrical Substations require a comprehensive maintenance program for all onsite switchgear using Fluke tools to ensure the continual, uninterrupted operation of the mine’s systems and equipment that are dependent on electrical power.

    Process Plant

    Fluke Mining Process Plant

    A mine site’s Processing Plant processes extracted material to separate valuable minerals from waste rock. Keeping this area of the site up and running at peak efficiency through regular and preventative maintenance using Fluke tools can not only reduce costs, but also improve the quality of the plant’s output. As a mine progresses through its lifecycle, and as plant feed changes, the plant’s operation process should be continually reviewed and adjusted to maintain optimum performance.

    Underground Operations

    Fluke Mining Underground Operations

    Underground mining operations involve extracting ore from below the surface and delivering it above ground efficiently and safely while minimizing waste. Proper planning and scheduling of maintenance for underground mining equipment are vital to ensure continued safe and reliable operation. In such hazardous environments, using tools with appropriate safety ratings and hazardous area certifications is critical.

    Mobile Assets

    Fluke Mining Mobile Assets

    In both open-cut and underground mines, the extraction and movement of mined material requires a variety of powerful, highly specialised heavy mining vehicles and mobile equipment. These mobile machines are critical to ongoing site operations, so keeping them up and running with regular and preventative maintenance using Fluke tools is essential to avoid costly unplanned downtime and extend their lifespans.