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    Exact countersink sets have different uses that can hardly be ignored. For instance, their primary function is ensuring fasteners or flat head screws are sitting flush against your workpiece. They are very useful when it comes to making conical holes which match or align with angled contour at the base (bottom) of flat head screws. Simply put, exact countersinks are conical holes which have been cut into objects that are manufactured. It is meant to allow the rivet, bolt or screw of your countersink's head to be even or level.

    They are known as exact countersinks due to how they have been built to sink into surfaces or objects. These are usually characterized by a flat head which tends to taper along the shaft. Therefore, when exact countersink sets are being driven into a surface or object, their heads will sink thereby making it possible for it to be levelled with such material.

    Types ofExact Countersinks

    There is something you must understand about countersink sets. This is the fact that they are usually of different types. If you are going to choose one for your project, there is a golden rule to abide by. This is choosing exact countersinks that are larger (about 50%) than your hole's diameter.

    We have different categories of exact countersink sets. These have been designed or manufactured with common angles like 1200, 1100, 1000, 900, 820, and 600. In most cases, people usually make use of 900 and 820.

    Please note that different exact countersinks carry out their own unique functions. These could be:

    • Countersink
    • Shell sinker
    • Flat countersink
    • Cross-hole cutter
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