The Mini TOPLED series of LEDs, from Osram Opto Semiconductors, are small package devices with a high quality, directed light output. The Mini TOPLED LEDs have an integrated reflector and an extremely wide viewing angle. With their high brightness class, the Mini TOPLEDs offer a pleasant white light which is suitable for interior illumination in automotive applications. Their compact form factor makes the Mini TOPLEDs ideal for applications where space is limited, such as: Indoor displays, optical indicators, coupling into light guides, backlighting (LCD, switches, keys, displays, illuminated advertising, general lighting) and interior automotive lighting. (e.g. dashboard backlighting).
Features of the Mini TOPLED LEDs: Compact SMT package Dimensions: 1.8 x 2.2 mm Viewing angle: 120° Operating current: 20mA High quality light output Long lifetime: 50,000 hours ESD stability: 8kV Corrosion stability Meets automotive industry standards
Amber LEDs – Originally designed for use in automotive brake-light applications, OSRAM amber LEDs can appear red due to a high dominant wavelength value. Refer to a dominant wavelength colour chart to find your chosen LED colour.