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    Jumo Dial Thermometers

    Every application is covered by JUMO Dial thermometers. Their simplicity, ease of use, and reliability make them a great choice. Temperature can be measured and monitored with the JUMO Dial thermometer.

    A compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use thermometer are available from JUMO Dial. It uses a dial to display the temperature with an accuracy of + / - 0.5°C. In any light condition - day or night - you can read the digital display due to its backlight.

    With the JUMO Dial thermometer, you can easily monitor the temperature of food at home or in a restaurant. No marks are left on eggs, meat, or fish when it is used on small objects.

    Types of JUMO Dial Thermometers

    There are several types of dial thermometers, including:

    Bimetal or bi-metallic

    Bimetal thermometers use a bimetal spring to detect temperature. Using this method, two different metal types are welded or fastened together to make a coil spring. Copper, steel, or brass could be used, as long as one metal is heat-insensitive, and the other is heat-sensitive. Due to their individual rates of thermal expansion, the two metals of the welded strip change length when heated. Due to their relative expansion coefficients, the two metals in a bimetallic strip bend or curl toward the lower expansion coefficient side. By moving the strip, a pointer is deflected over a calibrated scale, indicating the user's temperature.

    Advantages include: Cost-effective, durable, user-friendly, and accurate over a wide temperature range

    Liquid or gas-filled

    Thermometers that are liquid or gas-actuated use gases or vapours to sense temperature. Temperature is indicated by the rising liquid in the tube as it expands with the rising temperature. An end cap with a thin glass wall is attached to a small-bore glass tube to form this type of thermometer. In most cases, mercury or alcohol fills the tube. The column of liquid or gas moves higher up the capillary as heat is transferred into the substance, indicating the temperature.

    The following factors should be considered when choosing a liquid or gas-filled thermometer:

    • Tube material - liquid or gas
    • Tube material - glass or metal
    • Tube level (liquid or gas)

    Vapour tension based

    An adsorption-based system. A permanent gas filled with a variety of liquids is used in this type of thermometer to provide a wide range of temperatures. In a vessel containing only liquid, the amount of vapour in the liquid increases with temperature, regardless of volume when there is pressure in the vessel. In a vapour system, the temperature is measured at the interface between liquids and vapours. Keeping the interface in the bulb is essential to a vapour system. HVAC applications often use it because it is less expensive.

    Vapour systems can be divided into four subclasses:

    • A class IIA system operates with a measured temperature above the system's resting temperature.
    • Class IIB operates with the measured temperature below the temperature of the rest of the system.
    • The temperature of the system is measured by class IIC above and below it.
    • Class IID can overcome the cross-ambient limitation by using a second nonvolatile liquid.

    Features of JUMO Dial Thermometers

    Dial thermometers are often distinguished by special features. Some of these features include:

    • A display on the dial
    • Displays that use digital technology
    • With a flexible capillary tube, bulbs and sensing elements are connected to displays. Only liquids, gases, and vapours can use this feature.
    • There is a possibility of resetting a zero-adjustment thermometer.
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